Mädelz und Radrennen

Red Hook Crit, Milan, 2014. // By Nils Laengner // https://www.facebook.com

Wir finden es sehr gut, was Brian “Safa” Wagner, Fahrradkurier und sechst-platzierter des diesjährigen Red Hook in Barcelona, in seinem Post “Hey Dude” zum Thema Frauen und Radrennen/Alleycats geschrieben hat.

The sad thing is that even at these exemplary races it seems like a large part of the crowd has come to watch the men race and look at the women. We live in societies where it has been accepted that women are first to be looked at as a thing, but this is bike racing. Women are coming out to do battle, bump shoulders, risk eating tarmac and get that burn in their legs, the same as you. This should be the one place we can forget all the mind programming and look at everyone as racers. Same goals, same hardships, same risks, same rewards.


Fahrwerk-Team beim “ÄhrgeiZ”-Alleycat

Fahrwerk-Team beim "ÄhrgeiZ"-Alleycat

Am letzten Samstag, den 26. Juli, war wieder ein Team an Fahrwerkler*innen beim “ÄhrgeiZ”-Alleycat in Berlin dabei. Diesmal hieß es: “3 Stunden + 2 Würfel = 1Alleycat. Start nur mit Rock und Kuriertasche!” Dieses visuelle Schmankerl wollen wir euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten! 
